Society Insomnia in the hotel

Sep 27, 2018
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The reason why the first night in the hotel is sleeping badly

Bad sleep in the hotel the first night is a problem that many people share and at their base there is a valid and accurate reason

Bad sleeping in the hotel, especially the first night, is a condition that often involves people on holiday or those who have to move for other reasons and there are not a few discomforts that arise. Usually it takes a different time to find the right place or hotel to spend our vacation, because we want to be sure to have all the comforts and conveniences you can afford. Despite this, however, sometimes our commitment to this careful research is not enough to make us spend quiet and peaceful nights and spend hours and hours waiting for sleep to come.

For a long time, one wondered if there were any reasons to explain this phenomenon and apparently possible answers were found. In the United States, some Brown University researchers have found that sleeping in the hotel is due to a precise mechanism that triggers our brain and defined it as ‘the effect of the first night’, through a study that has made public on the magazine ‘Current Biology’. These researchers have conducted an experiment on people who voluntarily offered themselves to undergo neuroimaging techniques to find out how to sleep from outside the house causing insomnia.

The results that emerged from this study are surprising: poor sleeping in the hotel would result from a mechanism of protection implemented by the brain when we are in a new environment and is produced in particular by the left hemisphere as confirmed by the neuroimaging technique , which noted a more marked activity in this area. Most mammals and animals tend to use this watchdog to protect themselves from dangers, but the curious aspect is to have found that this principle applies to a lesser extent also to humans.

These volunteers, who for two nights stayed in a strange environment, have thus shown that sleeping in the hotel the first night is not a casual factor but has a foundation in science. One of the researchers and experimenters of the experiment, Yuka Sasaki, offered a small suggestion that could be useful in avoiding sleepless times and sleeping well: bringing the pillow with which we sleep at home is definitely helpful. Moreover, this phenomenon tends to diminish as early as the second night, as has been demonstrated by the experiment.



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