Extra Shenzhen 40 years of special economic zone

Nov 6, 2020
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On August 26, 1980, the Fifteenth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People’s Congress approved the “Regulations on Special Economic Zones of Guangdong Province”, and Shenzhen, Zhuhai, and Shantou Special Economic Zones were born. The “Regulations” provide for the implementation of special policies and flexible measures in the special economic zones, encourage foreign businessmen to invest in the special economic zones, and give the special economic zones greater autonomy in reform and opening up.

● In 1980, Shenzhen first carried out labor contract reforms in Sino-foreign joint ventures, cooperative enterprises and wholly foreign-owned enterprises. It was the first in the country to break the traditional system of fixed employment, and the term “fired” began to spread across the country.

● In 1982, Shenzhen put forward the slogan “Time is money, efficiency is life”. This slogan became a strong voice for breaking the ideological barrier and encouraging people to devote themselves to the great cause of reform and opening up.

● In September 1983, 20,000 infrastructure engineering troops collectively transferred to Shenzhen to participate in the construction of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. With their youth and sweat, they drove roads and built high-rise buildings, creating the “Shenzhen speed” of building one building in three days.

● In September 1983, Shenzhen University, the first full-time higher education institution in Shenzhen, approved by the State Council, began to recruit students.

● In early 1984, Comrade Deng Xiaoping inspected Shenzhen and wrote an inscription: “Shenzhen’s development and experience have proved that our policy of establishing special economic zones is correct.”

● In March 1984, the “Three Days One Floor” International Trade Building became the city symbol of Shenzhen, and the “Shenzhen Speed” was recorded in history.

● In November 1985, Shenzhen established the country’s first foreign exchange adjustment center, which provided useful exploration for the establishment of a standardized foreign exchange market in Mainland China.

● In February 1987, Shenzhen issued the country’s first “Interim Regulations on Encouraging Scientific and Technical Personnel to Start Private Technology Enterprises”, encouraging technology to buy shares and establishing private technology enterprises, which gave birth to a number of high-tech private enterprises. This regulation gave birth to the first wave of grassroots entrepreneurship in Shenzhen. Well-known high-tech companies such as Huawei and ZTE were founded in this industry background, laying the foundation for the development of Shenzhen’s high-tech industry and the improvement of innovation capabilities.

● In April 1987, “China Merchants Bank” was listed in Shenzhen. It was the first joint-stock commercial bank in Mainland China that was established by an enterprise. Since the birth of China Merchants Bank, it has created dozens of firsts in China’s banking industry.

● In December 1987, the Shenzhen Municipal Government publicly auctioned a plot of land number H409-4 with an area of ​​8588 square meters for 50 years. This is the first time that land use rights have entered the market as an asset in China, and it is known as the “first revolution” after the establishment of the land use system in New China.

● In March 1988, the SEG electronic supporting market was established. This is the first electronic market in the country that specializes in selling domestic and foreign electronic components and organizing the supply of production materials. The Huaqiangbei Commercial Street where it is located later developed into the “China Electronics No. One street”.

● In March 1988, Shenzhen Ping An Insurance Company was established. This is the first joint-stock insurance institution in Mainland China and the first company in China’s financial and insurance industry to introduce foreign capital.

● In 1989, under the organization of the Communist Youth League and Municipal Committee, 19 enthusiastic people opened a “service for you” hotline through a hotline to provide dedicated assistance to the special zone builders from all over the world. In 1990, Shenzhen established the first volunteer group in the Mainland. Today, the “Volunteer City” has become the city’s name card.

● In December 1990, Shenzhen Stock Exchange took the lead in trial operation. On April 16th of the following year, the State Council authorized the People’s Bank of China to approve the establishment of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and become one of the two largest stock exchanges in Mainland China.

● In October 1991, Shenzhen Airport was completed and opened for navigation, which lasted only 2 years and 4 months. There were many reforms and innovations in airport construction, and it was the first self-funded construction in the country’s airport construction. A modern three-dimensional transportation system by sea, land and air in Shenzhen has taken shape.

● In January 1992, Comrade Deng Xiaoping inspected Shenzhen again and delivered an important speech, pointing out the right direction for building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and pushing the reform and opening up of Shenzhen and the whole country into a new historical period of vigorous development. The Shenzhen Special Zone News published the “Eight Commentaries on the New Year of the Monkey” and the long-form newsletter “Eastern Breeze Comes Full of Spring”, which produced a major response both at home and abroad.

● In July 1992, the National People’s Congress granted the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone the legislative power, which provided a strong legal guarantee for the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone to play its role as a “test plot” and “window”.

● In August 1992, the State Council approved the abolition of Bao’an County and the establishment of Bao’an and Longgang Districts, marking another historic step towards urbanization, industrialization and modernization in rural Shenzhen.

● In June 1994, Jiang Zemin, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission visited Shenzhen and encouraged the Special Economic Zone to “increase new advantages and reach new heights.”

● In 1995, Shenzhen promulgated the “Regulations on Unpaid Blood Donation and Blood Management for Citizens of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone”, which became the first local regulation on unpaid blood donation in Mainland China.

● In December 1995, Jiang Zemin, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Chairman of the State Council, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, visited Shenzhen and pointed out that Shenzhen should continue to play its role as a “window” for opening up, a “testing ground” for economic system reform, and a demonstration and Radiation and leading role, but also to promote the restoration of the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong and maintain the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.

● In January 1997, the “Shenzhen Talent Market” was put into use, setting a precedent for the commercialization of labor. The Shenzhen talent market has been exploring and innovating the measures and practices of talent service, which has promoted the formation and development of national talent exchanges and local human resource markets.

● In October 1999, the first China International High-tech Achievements Fair was held in Shenzhen. This was the largest high-tech event held in China at that time, integrating high-tech achievement trading, product display, project investment, and information exchange. It was the first time Introduce a venture capital mechanism. Later it developed into “China’s First Exhibition of Science and Technology”.

● In February 1999, Tencent launched the instant messaging software “QQ”. In the subsequent mobile Internet tide, Tencent launched WeChat in response to the trend. Currently, it has more than 1.2 billion users and has grown into a world-leading Internet-based technology culture. the company.

● In February 2000, Jiang Zemin, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, visited Shenzhen and encouraged everyone in Nanling Village to “think about the source of wealth, and think about progress when getting rich.”

● In August 2000, Shenzhen University Town began to be established, and subsequently attracted educational institutions from famous domestic universities such as the Shenzhen Graduate School of Tsinghua University, the Shenzhen Graduate School of Peking University, and the Shenzhen Graduate School of Harbin Institute of Technology.

● In November 2000, the first “Shenzhen Reading Month” was successfully held. Since then, every November, Shenzhen will ring the reading bell on time to enhance public reading awareness and ignite the enthusiasm for reading.

● In November 2000, the unveiling ceremony of the statue of Deng Xiaoping on the top of Lianhuashan Park in Shenzhen was held. Jiang Zemin, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Chairman of the State and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, unveiled the statue.

● In April 2003, Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and President of the State, visited Shenzhen and asked Shenzhen to “speed up development, take the lead in development, and coordinate development.”

● In December 2003, the first “Shenzhen Care Action” was held. Shenzhen is committed to building a city of love and a harmonious home. Over 30,000 love activities have been held for 17 years of caring action, attracting tens of millions of people to participate. A large number of caring figures such as Cong Fei, Li Chuanmei, Guo Chunyuan have emerged, and they have gradually explored and established a long-term work mechanism for caring action.

● In May 2004, the China Securities Regulatory Commission officially approved the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to establish a small and medium-sized enterprise section in the main board market. Since the establishment of the small and medium-sized enterprise plate, it has quickly become the most important direct financing platform for high-growth, high-tech SMEs in my country .

● In November 2004, the first Shenzhen International Cultural Industry Expo was held in Shenzhen. As the only national, international and comprehensive cultural industry expo in China, the ICIF has been successfully held for 15 consecutive sessions, laying the foundation for China’s cultural industry The position of the first exhibition has become a platform to promote the development of China’s cultural industry and cultural products to the world.

● In October 2005, Shenzhen was named the first batch of national civilized cities. At present, Shenzhen has been named a national civilized city for five consecutive years.

● In November 2005, Shenzhen issued the “Shenzhen Basic Ecological Control Line Management Regulations”, becoming the first city in Mainland China to delineate a basic ecological control line.

● In July 2006, the “Regulations on the Promotion of Reform and Innovation in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone” were implemented, becoming the country’s first special regulation to protect reform and innovation.

● On July 1, 2007, on the tenth anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Chairman of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission cut the ribbon for the opening of Shenzhen Bay Bridge, one of the most technologically advanced and most difficult-to-manufactured bridges in the world. And pass the customs as the first passenger at Shenzhen Bay Port.

● In December 2008, UNESCO awarded Shenzhen the title of “City of Design”. Shenzhen became the 6th city in the world and the first city in China to receive this honor. It also became the 16th member of the “Global Creative Cities Network”. It is the first city in China to join the network.

● In 2010, the State Council approved the expansion of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone to the entire city of Shenzhen. The area of ​​the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone was expanded from 395.8 square kilometers to 1952.8 square kilometers.

● In August 2010, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, the Shenzhen Newspaper Group hosted the “Ten Most Influential Concepts in Shenzhen” selection activity. After three months of voting by experts and citizens, “Time is money, efficiency is life”, “Empty talk will lead to the country, work hard to rejuvenate the nation” and others were elected as the “Shenzhen Top Ten Concepts.”

● In August 2010, the State Council approved the “Overall Development Plan for Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone”, clearly building Qianhai into a Guangdong-Hong Kong modern service industry innovation cooperation demonstration zone.

● In September 2010, the 30th anniversary celebration of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone was held in Shenzhen. Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the celebration meeting and delivered an important speech. He hoped that the special economic zone would continue to emancipate the mind, adhere to reform and opening up, and strive to be the vanguard of scientific development and social harmony. In the modernization drive, we have made new progress, achieved new breakthroughs, and reached a new level.

● In December 2010, the Ministry of Education formally approved the establishment of Southern University of Science and Technology.

● In May 2011, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government delineated 468.3 square kilometers in Haifeng County, Shanwei City, and established the Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone to start a reform experiment of “enclave economy” to promote “regional coordinated development”.

● In June 2011, the Shenzhen National Gene Bank was officially inaugurated. The Shenzhen National Gene Bank relies on BGI’s genes to build and operate. It mainly stores and manages my country’s unique genetic resources, biological information and genetic data. It is my country’s first national gene bank.

● In August 2011, the 26th Summer Universiade was held in Shenzhen. More than 12,000 athletes, staff and guests from 152 countries and regions participated in the event, achieving “different excitement.”

● In December 2012, after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China, came to Shenzhen for the first stop of his inspection tour from Beijing, and solemnly declared to the world his firm belief that reforms will not stop and openness will not stop.

● In March 2013, the country’s first commercial registration regulation “Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Commercial Registration Regulations” was officially implemented, taking the lead in fully implementing the reform of the commercial registration system.

● In October 2013, UNESCO awarded Shenzhen the “Global Model City for Reading for All” certificate, which is the highest honor the organization has awarded to cities around the world for reading for all.

● In February 2014, Shenzhen held a political and legal work conference, announcing the formal launch of the classification management of court staff and the professionalization of judges, which marked that judges will be separated from the administrative level and become a separate position in the civil service. This reform is the first in the country and provides “Shenzhen experience” for the reform of the national judicial system.

● In April 2014, the Ministry of Education approved the establishment of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen).

● In January 2015, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission gave important instructions to the work of Shenzhen, fully affirming the new achievements in the development of various undertakings in Shenzhen since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The instructions require that Shenzhen must keep in mind its mission, be brave to assume responsibility, use brains, emancipate the mind, boldly explore and innovate, create new achievements in the “four comprehensives”, and strive to make the construction of special economic zones continue to increase innovative advantages and reach a new level.

● In January 2015, the First Circuit Court of the Supreme People’s Court and the People’s Court of Shenzhen Qianhai Cooperation Zone were inaugurated and established.

● In April 2015, the Qianhai Shekou Area of ​​the Guangdong Free Trade Zone was officially listed, and the Qianhai Shekou Free Trade Area Management Committee was established at the same time. The zone better integrates the system and mechanism innovation of the free trade zone, the functions of the Qianhai national service industry open development strategy platform, and Shekou’s developed port and shipping industry foundation, creating an international, market-oriented, and legal-based business environment, focusing on the development of finance, Strategic emerging service industries such as modern logistics, information services, and technological services.

● In December 2015, Shenzhen began to implement community party building standardization. The city’s 645 communities set up party committees to promote the construction of “five standardizations”.

● In October 2016, the Ministry of Education approved Beijing Institute of Technology and Moscow State Lomonosov University to formally establish Shenzhen Beili Moscow University in Shenzhen.

● In December 2016, the “Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect” was officially opened. This is an important milestone in the two-way opening of China’s capital market following the “Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect”.

● On November 1, 2017, the “Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Talent Work Regulations” was officially implemented. Shenzhen also ushered in its first legal talent day on that day. The country’s first theme park named after “talents”-Shenzhen Talent Park officially opened . Shenzhen Talent Group and Shenzhen Maxima International Headhunting Company were unveiled on the same day.

● In July 2018, Shenzhen launched a new round of housing system reform, aiming at various groups such as residents and professionals of different income levels to build a housing supply and security system featuring multi-subject supply, multi-channel guarantee, and simultaneous rental and purchase.

● In 2018, Shenzhen introduced “20 Business Environment Reforms” and “5 Private Economy” reforms to deepen the reform of “delegation, management and service”. Commercial registration achieved a package of policies such as “30 licenses in one” and “Shenzhen 90”, and continued to build a top Business environment.

● In October 2018, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission inspected Shenzhen, and for the first time gave Shenzhen “to move forward in the direction of building a pioneering demonstration zone of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and strive to create an urban example of a modern and powerful socialist country” Noble mission.

● In November 2018, Shenzhen University of Technology was officially established with the approval of the Ministry of Education.

● In December 2018, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission issued important instructions on the work of Shenzhen. The instructions required that the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government should always keep in mind the strategic intention of the Party Central Committee to establish special economic zones and earnestly summarize the reform and opening up 40 Years of successful experience, adhere to and strengthen the overall leadership of the party, adhere to comprehensively deepen reforms, adhere to comprehensively expanding opening up, adhere to the people-centered approach, fulfill the requirements of high-quality development, implement the innovation-driven development strategy, and grasp the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area A major opportunity to strengthen the core engine function, move forward in the direction of building a pioneering demonstration zone of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and strive to create an urban example of a modern and powerful socialist country. It is hoped that the broad masses of cadres and masses in Shenzhen will continue to emancipate their minds, work hard, start from reform and opening up, and continuously promote the work of Shenzhen to create new prospects, new advantages, and create new brilliance.

● In December 2018, the Party Working Committee and Management Committee of the Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone were officially inaugurated. The Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone became the “10+1” district of Shenzhen, taking on innovative and pioneering enclave models and promoting regional coordination The special mission of development.

● In January 2019, the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee held the eleventh plenary session of the sixth session and designated 2019 as the “decisive year of water pollution control”. At the end of the year, Shenzhen completely eliminated black and odorous water bodies.

● In February 2019, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Plan Outline”. Shenzhen uses the strength of the city to promote the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

● In March 2019, the “Regulations on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone” was officially implemented, which is the country’s first comprehensive intellectual property protection regulations. In 2019, Shenzhen ranked first in the country in terms of the number of patent applications, authorizations, the growth rate of authorizations, the maintenance rate of valid invention patents over 5 years, and the number of PCT applications.

● In April 2019, the “Shenzhen National High-tech Zone Expansion Plan” was issued. The plan proposes to benchmark the world-class high-tech parks, and according to the layout of “one area, two cores and multiple parks”, five mature parks, including Nanshan Park and Pingshan Park, will be included in the Shenzhen High-tech Zone. The planned area of ​​the original Shenzhen High-tech Zone is 11.52 square kilometers. After the expansion, the total planned area of ​​Shenzhen High-tech Zone will be 159.48 square kilometers. It will become the core engine of Shenzhen International Science and Technology Innovation Center and an important carrier of the global capital of innovation and creativity.

● In August 2019, the “Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Supporting Shenzhen to Build a Pilot Demonstration Zone of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” was released. This is a major decision that General Secretary Xi Jinping personally planned, personally deployed, and personally promoted. It is a major epochal opening of another great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is another major historic opportunity for Shenzhen after the establishment of a special economic zone. An epoch-making and important milestone in Shenzhen’s development process has far-reaching and significant impact on deepening the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, promoting Shenzhen’s opening up and starting again, and creating a modern and powerful socialist city example. The “Opinions” clarified the “five strategic positioning”, “three-phase goals” and “five aspects of the first” of Shenzhen’s construction of a pilot demonstration zone. The formulation and promulgation of the “Opinions” is the latest strategic positioning of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone based on the overall situation of the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era following General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on the work in Shenzhen on December 26, 2018, marking support for the construction of Shenzhen The pioneering demonstration zone of socialism with Chinese characteristics has been upgraded to a major strategic deployment at the national level, and it also marks that Shenzhen’s development has entered a new historical stage.

● Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia in January 2020, Shenzhen has launched an all-out attack to fight the People’s War for the prevention and control of the epidemic. As a super-large city with a population of over 20 million and a port city with nearly 40% of the country’s total number of inbound and outbound passengers, Shenzhen, under the unified command and scientific dispatch of the municipal party committee and municipal government, resolutely implements the instructions of General Secretary Jinping and the central and provincial authorities. , Decision-making and deployment, using the strength of the city to resolutely achieve “externally prevent import, internally prevent proliferation, and prevent re-export”, grasping epidemic prevention and control on the one hand, and resuming work and production on the other. In the first half of the first half of the year, the GDP of the first-tier cities turned from negative to positive . On September 8, 2020, at the National Commendation Conference for Fighting New Coronary Pneumonia, 4 people in Shenzhen won the “National Advanced Individuals in Fighting New Coronary Pneumonia”, and one unit was awarded the “National Advanced Group in Fighting New Coronary Pneumonia”.

● In March 2020, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Development and Reform Commission and other ministries and commissions issued the “Work Plan for Strengthening Basic Research from 0 to 1”, and Shenzhen will build a comprehensive national science center. Shenzhen will make a large-scale layout and vigorously promote the construction of “two districts and two cities”-build a high-level Shenzhen-Hong Kong science and technology innovation cooperation zone, build a bright science city with high standards, promote the construction of Xili Lake International Science and Education City from a high starting point, and promote high-quality high-tech zones Construction, aiming at basic research and applied basic research, continue to charge, speed up the solution of the key core technology “stuck neck” problem, and strive to become an important pole in the global innovation landscape.

● In July 2020, Shenzhen was ranked No. 1 in the country in the annual performance appraisal of administrative protection of intellectual property rights.

● In August 2020, in the Fortune Global 500 list, Shenzhen has 8 companies including Ping An, Huawei, Zhengwei International, Evergrande Group, China Merchants Bank, Tencent, Vanke, and Shenzhen Investment Holdings.

● In August 2020, Shenzhen achieved full coverage of 5G independent networking, taking the lead in entering the 5G era. Shenzhen has built more than 46,000 5G base stations, the density is the first in China, the total number of 5G standard essential patents is the world’s leading, and the scale of 5G industry and 5G terminal shipments are the world’s first.

● In August 2020, Shenzhen was awarded the first batch of demonstration cities for government construction under the rule of law in the country.

● On August 24, 2020, the first batch of first companies listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange’s ChiNext registration system were listed for trading. The reform of the Growth Enterprise Market and the pilot registration system not only marked the full rollout of the registration system reform in A-shares, but also meant that the market-oriented reform of the capital market took a key step towards serving the innovation-driven strategy and serving the high-quality economic development.

● In October 2020, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the “Implementation Plan for the Comprehensive Reform Pilot Program of Building a Pilot Demonstration Zone of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in Shenzhen (2020-2025)”, giving Shenzhen more reforms in key areas and key links. More autonomy to support Shenzhen to advance reform and opening up at a higher starting point, higher level and higher goals. This is another major move to promote the reform and opening up of Shenzhen in the new era. It is a key move to build a pioneering demonstration zone of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and it is also a new exploration of innovative reform methods and methods.

Source: www.sz.gov.cn



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