Sep 27, 2018
According to some studies earthquakes would be caused by Earth’s rotation and in 2018 there will be many shakes
Earthquakes could be related to Earth’s rotation. He is doing much to discuss the hypothesis formulated by Roger Bilham and Rebecca Bendick, researchers at the University of Colorado and Montana University who have submitted a new study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.
For the experts, the variations in speed in rotation of our planet would be able to influence the movements of the earth’s crust. With time, therefore, the energy accumulated in the faults would lead to the formation of earthquakes. The study of the experts started with the observation of some regularity in the frequency of seismic events.
By studying the earthquakes occurring since the beginning of the century, researchers have identified clusters, ie periods of about five years, where 25-30 major seismic events usually occur, unlike 15 of a normal year. Not only that: scholars have also linked these data to the Earth’s rotation speed, finding a very important link.
Apparently 5-6 years after a major slowdown in Earth rotation, earthquakes would start. The last of these slowdowns occurred around four years ago and for the experts the consequences should start to see already from 2018.
La velocità di rotazione della Terra subisce continuamente delle variazioni ed è in continua diminuzione. Basti pensare che circa 400 milioni di anni fa le giornate duravano circa 21 ore, e un anno 400 giorni. Si tratta di cambiamenti impercettibili che vengono “corretti” utilizzando alcuni stratagemmi: ad esempio aggiungendo un secondo in più al calendario ogni tanto. Ora però la ricerca degli scienziati americani sembra gettare una nuova luce su questo fenomeno, che potrebbe rivelarsi molto più dannoso per la nostra sopravvivenza sul Pianeta. Se le loro ipotesi fossero vere il 2018 sarà un anno piuttosto difficile per tutta l’umanità, in cui dovremo fare i conti con moltissimi terremoti di grande entità.