Sep 29, 2020
The ornamental hermits, who lived in the gardens of the wealthy English
In the 18th century, it was fashionable among wealthy English landowners to hire people to dress up as druids and grow their hair as much as possible, and go live in their gardens as “ornamental hermits”
They were called “ornamental hermits” or “garden hermits”.
Wealthy English landowners, especially in the 18th century, encouraged anyone who wanted to live in caves, huts and hermitages in their gardens and in the parks that surrounded their homes.
The ornamental hermits, however, had to dress like druids and always remain on the spot, where they were fed and cared for, but also consulted for wise advice.
Another of their “tasks” was not to cut their nails and hair. However, the garden was also a place for meditation and contemplation. For this reason, some regarded hermits as wise men.